31-й сезон, ИД 11386. Ближайшие матчи - ИД 11388 (ср 03/07/2024) Товарищеские матчи
Томаси Туитакау
Основная информация
Национальность: Фиджи (8 матчей/0 голов)
Клуб:Фиджи Нандронга
Зарплата:47 (на следующий сезон: 57)
Рабочая нога:обеРост:182
Физические и "ментальные" спецвозможности
Подверженность травмам7
Склонность к симуляции5
Способность к адаптации16
История появления в лиге
Зарегистрирован в 23-м сезоне (возраст 19, сила 48, потенциал 80) в клубе Нандронга
Игра головой1%
Технические спецвозможности
Игра головой1
Опыт игры в странах
Вы не можете совершать действия с этим игроком
Текущее состояние
Дни отдыха:33
Дни травмы:--
Потеряно опыта:0
Настрой (игровое время):0
Настрой (тренировки):0
Настрой (фактический):0
Положение в клубе
Игровая практика0доволенСуммарно:0доволен
Статистика по турнирам
Статистика текущего сезона
select pms.*, tm1.id as hosts, tm2.id as guests, tm1.name as hosts_name, tm2.name as guests_name, d.day as game_day, tm1.country as hosts_country, tm2.country as guests_country, mst.goals_h, mst.goals_g, DATE_FORMAT(d.date, '%d/%m/%y') as game_date from player_match_statistics pms, tournaments t, days d, teams tm1, teams tm2, tournament_stages tst, tournament_groups_stages tgs, tournament_gr_st_participants tgsp, match_schedule msc, match_statistics mst, tournament_schedule tsc where pms.player = 66910 and tsc.id = msc.tour_sch and tm1.id = msc.hosts and tm2.id = msc.guests and tsc.tour_stage = tst.id and mst.game = msc.id and tst.tournament = t.id and tsc.day = d.day and tgs.stage = tst.id and msc.id = pms.game and pms.team = 10102 and d.day >= 11005 and tgsp.gr_st = tgs.id and tgsp.team = tm1.id and t.id = 16 union select pms.*, tm1.id + 10000 as hosts, tm2.id + 10000 as guests, tm1.name as hosts_name, tm2.name as guests_name, d.day as game_day, tm1.id as hosts_country, tm2.id as guests_country, mst.goals_h, mst.goals_g, DATE_FORMAT(d.date, '%d/%m/%y') as game_date from player_match_statistics pms, tournaments t, days d, countries tm1, countries tm2, tournament_stages tst, tournament_groups_stages tgs, tournament_gr_st_participants tgsp, match_schedule msc, match_statistics mst, tournament_schedule tsc where pms.player = 66910 and tsc.id = msc.tour_sch and tm1.id = msc.hosts - 10000 and tm2.id = msc.guests - 10000 and tsc.tour_stage = tst.id and mst.game = msc.id and tst.tournament = t.id and tsc.day = d.day and tgs.stage = tst.id and msc.id = pms.game and pms.team = 10102 and d.day >= 11005 and tgsp.gr_st = tgs.id and tgsp.team = msc.hosts and t.id = 16 union select pms.*, tm1.id + 20000 as hosts, tm2.id + 20000 as guests, CONCAT(tm1.name, ' U21') as hosts_name, CONCAT(tm2.name, ' U21') as guests_name, d.day as game_day, tm1.id as hosts_country, tm2.id as guests_country, mst.goals_h, mst.goals_g, DATE_FORMAT(d.date, '%d/%m/%y') as game_date from player_match_statistics pms, tournaments t, days d, countries tm1, countries tm2, tournament_stages tst, tournament_groups_stages tgs, tournament_gr_st_participants tgsp, match_schedule msc, match_statistics mst, tournament_schedule tsc where pms.player = 66910 and tsc.id = msc.tour_sch and tm1.id = msc.hosts - 20000 and tm2.id = msc.guests - 20000 and tsc.tour_stage = tst.id and mst.game = msc.id and tst.tournament = t.id and tsc.day = d.day and tgs.stage = tst.id and msc.id = pms.game and pms.team = 10102 and d.day >= 11005 and tgsp.gr_st = tgs.id and tgsp.team = msc.hosts and t.id = 16 union select pms.*, tm1.id + 30000 as hosts, tm2.id + 30000 as guests, CONCAT(tm1.name, ' U19') as hosts_name, CONCAT(tm2.name, ' U19') as guests_name, d.day as game_day, tm1.id as hosts_country, tm2.id as guests_country, mst.goals_h, mst.goals_g, DATE_FORMAT(d.date, '%d/%m/%y') as game_date from player_match_statistics pms, tournaments t, days d, countries tm1, countries tm2, tournament_stages tst, tournament_groups_stages tgs, tournament_gr_st_participants tgsp, match_schedule msc, match_statistics mst, tournament_schedule tsc where pms.player = 66910 and tsc.id = msc.tour_sch and tm1.id = msc.hosts - 30000 and tm2.id = msc.guests - 30000 and tsc.tour_stage = tst.id and mst.game = msc.id and tst.tournament = t.id and tsc.day = d.day and tgs.stage = tst.id and msc.id = pms.game and pms.team = 10102 and d.day >= 11005 and tgsp.gr_st = tgs.id and tgsp.team = msc.hosts and t.id = 16 order by game_day
error: Out of resources when opening file './fb/tournament_groups_stages.MYD' (Errcode: 24)
Фиджи НандронгаЧемпионаты стран2824601(0)371000(0)6.790
Фиджи НандронгаКубки стран33010(0)010000(0)6.760
ФиджиЧемпионат мира (отбор)43640(0)000000(0)6.71+1
ФиджиТоварищеские матчи сборных21820(0)010000(0)6.510