31-й сезон, ИД 11385. Ближайшие матчи - ИД 11385 (пн 01/07/2024) Товарищеские матчи
Сид Али Эль Амри
select pl.*, c.name as country_name, tm.country as team_country, tm1.country as own_team_country, tc.name as team_country_name, tm.name as team_name, tm1.name as own_team_name, psd.nospcz from players pl left join player_spcz_distr psd on psd.player = pl.id left join teams tm on pl.team = tm.id left join countries tc on tm.country = tc.id left join teams tm1 on pl.own_team = tm1.id left join countries tc1 on tm1.country = tc1.id left join player_name_cases pnc on pl.id = pnc.player, countries c where pl.id = '57035' and pl.nation = c.id
error: Out of resources when opening file './fb/countries.MYD' (Errcode: 24)