31-й сезон, ИД 11386. Ближайшие матчи - ИД 11388 (ср 03/07/2024) Товарищеские матчи
[Кубок Уэльса, 1/8 финала] Кармартен Таун - И Рил 1879
Отчет о матчеТехнические данныеРасчетные данные
select st.name as stadium_name, st.capacity as stadium_capacity, rf.name as referee_name, tn.name as ref_town_name, hosts, guests, tst.ref_rules, c.name as ref_nation_name, ticket_price, tm.country as tm_country, rf.nation as rf_nation, msc.temperature, msc.weather, stn.name as stad_town_name, strictness_two_yellows, strictness_red, strictness_pen, strictness from match_schedule msc, stadiums st, teams tm, referees rf left join towns tn on (tn.id = rf.town), tournament_schedule tsc, tournament_stages tst, countries c, towns stn where msc.id = 977046 and st.id = msc.venue and rf.id = msc.referee and tsc.id = msc.tour_sch and tst.id = tsc.tour_stage and rf.nation = c.id and tm.id = msc.hosts and st.town = stn.id
error: Can't open file: './fb/tournament_schedule.frm' (errno: 24)
Кармартен Таун 1:1 И Рил 1879
Первый матч - И Рил 1879 2:1 Кармартен Таун