31-й сезон, ИД 11386. Ближайшие матчи - ИД 11388 (ср 03/07/2024) Товарищеские матчи
[Кубок Чехии, 1/16 финала] Витковице - Тршинец
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Витковице 1:0 Тршинец
select pms.*, p.short_name as pos_name, pl.name as player_name, ifnull(pms.team_number, pl.team_number) as team_number, pms.starting_position as position, tc.*, pms.team as team from (seasons ss, player_match_statistics pms, positions p, players pl) left join team_colors tc on tc.team = 826 and tc.season = ss.season where game = 369697 and starting_position <= 15 and pms.team = 826 and p.id = starting_position and pl.id = pms.player and ss.start_day <= 4791 and ss.end_day >= 4791 order by p.code
error: Out of resources when opening file './fb_arc/positions.MYD' (Errcode: 24)